Monday, September 14, 2009

Brainstorming Session Tomorrow (9/15) @ WonderRoot!

Got an Urban Hike Idea? We want to know what you like/dislike/would like
to see in the future regarding our hikes.

Any new themes will be considered and all ideas are welcome- art
themes, science themes, entertainment/history themes, whatever!

Join us in sharing your ideas for future hike opportunities
on September 15 at 7pm at the WonderRoot Community Arts Center- 982
Memorial Drive, ATL 30316. Vegan cookies will be served!!

Email with any questions or call Eli at 404-403-0822

Have a splendid day and I hope to see you tomorrow!
~Eli/Urban Hiking Web Monkey

Saturday, September 5, 2009

September Dragon*Con hike synopsis

Here's a map of the 6 mile loop we did today from Park Ground to the Dragon*Con parade downtown and back via the PATH, Freedom Parkway, and Inman Park.


Angel was with us again to help drop some knowledge about the in-town neighborhoods and the Beltline project
Angel droppin' knowledge

About a dozen of us left Park Grounds, wound our way through Cabbagetown and the Old Fourth Ward in route to downtown and the Dragon*Con parade
headin' downtown
approaching the parade

I wonder who gets this money? maybe the Taskforce for the Homeless??

The parade was absolutley NUTS and completely fun! Such an interested social event. Very family-friendly too. Storm troopers high-fiving little kids and such.
Dragon*Con crowd
Mario Brothers
Anime guy
Darth Vader
Storm troopers

Cardboard Star Wars characters!
Cardboard Star Wars

Banana Phone!

View near Highland and Freedom Parkway. We walked along a very new section of the PATH at this point. A very nice urban bikeway with dedication paved paths- I highly recommend checking it out!
urban hiker and ATL skyline

All-in-all we did a nice 6 mile loop with great weather along the way. Next month's hike will likely be mid to late October due to some schedule conflicts... stay posted!

As always, you can get on our email list by sending a message to

Urban Hiking Web Monkey,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

**UPDATE** hike starts @ 9am (not 10am) on Saturday

Updates were sent via email as well. We'll be meeting at ParkGrounds at 9am in hopes of getting downtown by the 10am start of the Dragon*Con parade!!